How the blockchain could help Endnotes Property transactions could be handled on a blockchain 1. “Factom’s Blockchain Land Registry Tool trial stalls in a similar way to how payments between parties are due to the politics of Honduras”, Duncan Riley, Silicon handled using digital currencies like Bitcoin. However, Angle, December 2015. See also: instead of assuming that each ‘coin’ is the same, it would blog/2015/12/27/factoms-blockchain-land-reigstry-tool- be possible to associate a unique house or piece of land trial-stalls-due-to-the-politics-of-honduras/ 2. “ Solving Real World Problems With the Bitcoin with a particular coin, or fraction of a coin, and exchange Blockchain”, NewsBTC, January 2015. See also: http:// it just like in any other transaction using digital currency. The entire transaction history of the property could then problems-bitcoin-blockchain/ 3. See: be followed through the blockchain. This concept is known with-land-registry/when-you-must-register as ‘coloured coins’ because the coins are ‘coloured’ to 4. “ UK Property Transaction Statistics”, HM Revenue & Customs, December 2015. See also: 9 represent a specific asset, such as a house. government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/ file/486888/UK_Tables_Dec_2015__cir_.pdf In the blockchain, assets are held by the owners of private 5. Ibid. keys, the cryptographic ‘identity’ created when a user first 6. “ Property fraud line helps nearly 2000 people in its first two years”, Jessica Prasad, Land Registry, January 2015. registers for the blockchain. The title deeds and identity See also: documents proving ownership do not themselves need line-helps-nearly-2000-people-in-its-first-two-years/ to be stored on the blockchain. Instead, they can be 7. “ Protect yourself from property fraud during scams awareness month”, Jessica Prasad, Land Registry, July ‘hashed’ – a mathematical transformation that converts 2015. See also: long documents of text and other characters to a much yourself-from-property-fraud-during-scams-awareness- shorter, fixed-length string of text and numbers. The hash is month/ 8. “‘ Title fraud costing Land Registry millions’ – claim”, unique to the original document and can be stored with the Estate Agent Today, August 2015. See also: https://www. coloured coin on the blockchain in much less space. costing-land-registry-millions--claim 9. “ Smart Property, Colored Coins and Mastercoin”, Tim Using smart contracts, asset exchange could also follow Swanson, CoinDesk, January 2014. See also: http://www. specific instructions encoded as part of the transaction to be executed automatically once agreed criteria have been met. Implications Contact Alexander Shelkovnikov A blockchain-based approach to registering property titles Corporate Venturing and Blockchain Lead could increase the efficiency of transaction processing and +44 (0) 20 7303 8895 reduce, if not entirely prevent, property fraud. [email protected] A property registry could be delivered via a centrally administered public blockchain, which, although replicating large elements of the current registration process, would simultaneously provide enhanced security against fraud, increased resilience and improved transparency – since the historical transaction records could be read by the public. A blockchain could also help in resolving disputes over property ownership since each transaction would be verified and stored in the distributed ledger. For the registration authorities, a blockchain thus provides a way of combining many processes and systems into one, increasing efficiency through distributed processing and thus reducing cost. 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Deloitte LLP accepts no duty of care or liability for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication. © 2016 Deloitte LLP. All rights reserved. Deloitte LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC303675 and its registered office at 2 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BZ, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0) 20 7936 3000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7583 1198. Designed and produced by The Creative Studio at Deloitte, London. J3980 J3975_BlockchainInsert.indd 6 15/01/2016 17:00