Collectively, these mega trends of universal connectivity and increased control over commerce and services have fundamentally changed customer needs and behaviors. Mobile customers now desire (and prefer) immediacy, interacting with products and services wherever they are and whenever they want. The increased availability and immediacy of information enabled by digital and mobile technology means people expect greater personalization and agility from businesses, and because personalization breeds trust, this becomes an increasingly critical factor in people’s decision making. Today’s consumers want all of the information – the good, 5 bad and ugly – so they can decide for themselves. A Deloitte survey on personalization suggests that younger consumers are more comfortable sharing personal information with businesses compared to the general population. 20 per cent of consumers are happy for businesses to use their personal information to offer them personalized products and services. This figure increases to over 6 25 per cent amongst 16 – 24 year olds. Given the close correlation between trust, loyalty and advocacy, businesses need to demonstrate to consumers the benefits of sharing their personal data by offering them more personalized products and services. In tandem, they must also continue to reassure consumers that appropriate governance is in place to protect their personal data. Our research shows that only 20 per cent of consumers are happy for businesses to use their personal information to offer them more personalized products or services. Among 16 to 24 year olds this goes up to more than 25 per cent Digital transformation for telecom operators Adapting to a customer-centric, mobile-first world 3

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