To start a new section, hold down the apple+shift keys and click to release this object and type the section title in the box below. Contacts Key Contacts Dan Ison Paul Lee Ed Shedd Sponsoring Partner Partner, Head of Global UK Head of Technology, Media and UK Head of TMT Research & Telecommunications Media & Entertainment +44 20 7303 0197 +44 20 7007 3684 +44 20 7007 8064 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Research and Analysis Julie Richards Emily Talbot Dave Staunton Author and research lead Manager, Technology, Co-Author, Monitor Deloitte Deloitte UK Media & Entertainment strategy consulting +44 20 7303 5455 Insight +44 20 7303 4077 [email protected] +44 20 7303 6459 [email protected] [email protected] Marketing and Press Chris Warren George Parrett Pete German Senior Marketing Manager, Press Officer, Marketing Assistant Technology, Media & Technology, Media & Manager Telecommunications Telecommunications +44 20 7303 0695 +44 20 7007 3878 +44 20 7007 7285 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 36

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