as we think about our growth strategy going forward, we asked ourselves: What will Port Metro Vancouver look like in 20 years? in 40 years? and what does sustainable growth for the gateway and its stakeholders look like? to help us answer these complex questions about an unknown future, we turned to scenario planning. scenario planning is a tool that allows us to have an ongoing strategic conversation about the emerging future. it allows organizations — like Port Metro Vancouver — to make better decisions about our future today, while remaining open to big shifts in the business environment. the purpose was not to identify future events, but to highlight significant forces that can push our future in different directions. it was about making these forces clear, so that if they do happen, we will recognize them and be prepared to act. a great deal of thought and collaboration has gone into the Port 2050 initiative. in this report, we are pleased to present the results of the process and the four scenarios that were produced by gateway stakeholders. the outcomes cover a diverse range of perspectives. We hope you find the scenarios to be provocative and challenging, in a positive way. We have not shied away from the negative possibilities; rather, we see these as opportunities to inform our planning going forward. Reflecting on the scenarios further, there are two we don’t see as desirable for us as a Port and a Gateway. A third reflects where we believe we are heading in the short to medium term, and the fourth is the direction we think our industry — and the world — could be heading in the longer term. We have labelled these last two scenarios our anticipated Future. by making comprehensive decisions today that will lead to lasting success in our anticipated Future, our industry can lead a major change in thinking and act to deliver sustainable growth. We must deliver growth not only in key infrastructure, but in the way we understand and operate the entire supply chain and in the way we share the impacts and benefits of trade. President’s Message We believe the year 2050 looks bright for Port Metro Vancouver, our stakeholders and the communities we serve. We are “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” building our plans to be ready for, and to understand and Alan Kay AmericAn computer scientist thrive in, the future ahead of us. it will take hard work, relentless collaboration and commitment to see it fulfilled. in 1970, Port Metro Vancouver handled approximately We see this already happening on canada’s West coast, every day. 27 million metric tonnes of cargo and the population of We hope you will continue along this path with us. canada was 21 million people. Forty years later, in 2010, we handled more than 118 million metric tonnes of cargo while canada’s population was 34.3 million. in those 40 years, the canadian population increased by more than 60 per cent and the total cargo volume at the Port more than quadrupled. canada is a trading nation, and our Port grows in response to the needs of individuals and the economy. in the simplest terms, robin silvester our population growth drives international trade. President and Chief Executive Officer 3 4