Given the criticality of stakeholder engagement in the Port Metro Vancouver’s scenario planning process, our approach was structured to achieve strong stakeholder participation through interactive working sessions, ensuring endorsements were clarified and confirmed. This was critical to enhancing the ultimate understanding of the scenarios and in future, the strategic choices and actions that Port Metro Vancouver will make over time. Key activities and the project timeline are shown below: 1. Interviews, Survey and Research Deloitte conducted interviews with the Port Metro Vancouver leadership team as well as broader stakeholders and eminent experts to understand expert views on the drivers of change. To achieve a wider set of results, a survey was also sent to all workshop invitees to gather thoughts on whether there have been any significant shifts in the external environment influencing the Vancouver gateway since the initial scenarios were developed in 2010. Respondents were also asked to provide input and opinions on the certainties they have about the future, and the uncertainties or drivers of change they believe require more attention. Leading research was also reviewed to identify various forces, trends and uncertainties that have changed since 2010. 2. Scenario Update Workshop The primary objective of the workshop was to test whether the key drivers of change and scenario descriptions were still relevant in light of any developments and changes in global and regional contexts. A wide range of groups participated in the workshop, including representatives from: industry, government, First Nations and community. Expert speakers were invited to present on key trends and themes highlighted through consultation before the workshop. Topics included: “The World in 2050”, the evolving view on China and Asia, the energy environment, and regional socio-economic trends. The purpose of these presentations was to challenge participants’ views and pre-conceptions about these important topics. The workshop was highly interactive with participants being asked to break out into groups to review and consider whether updates were required to each of the drivers of change, the scenario axes and the scenarios themselves. The suggested updates reflected participant views on how the world has changed since 2010, and what participants saw as plausible outcomes for the future. Port 2050 Scenario Update Initiative - 2015 5

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