Rising Dependence – Old-age dependency ratio*. % Population in 2005 and 2050 (m) Age 65+ as % of those 20-64 US Census Bureau; The Economist What are some of the trends in global and regional social values? • Digitalization that has taken place over the past fifteen years has fundamentally changed the social values of many societies. As of January, 2014, 74% of online adults are using social networking sites to connect with each other. • According to Pew Research Center, global public embraces economic globalization with reservations. Only 31% say trade is very good for their economy. Just over half believe that trade creates jobs and only 45% believe that trade increases wages. • According to the World Economic Forum Outlook on the Global Agenda, the weakening of representative democracy will be the fifth most important trend of 2015. • The increasing disillusionment with government has been illustrated in the decline of participation for recent democratic elections. In Canada, voter turnout decreased from 65% in 2006 to 61% in 2011 and in Germany, decreased from 78% in 2005 to 72% in 2011. Mixed views on Trade and Investment How has the worldwide voter turnout changed over time? Sources: World Economic Forum, Outlook on the Global Agenda, 2014 Pew Research Center, Spring 2014 Global Attitudes Survey Port 2050 Scenario Update Initiative - 2015 43