The rise of the data exclusive Deloitte Global predicts that in 2016, 26 percent of Second, most smartphone owners’ usage patterns have smartphone users in developed markets will not make become more data-intensive, with the proportion of any traditional phone calls in a given week. We call time spent on non-voice activity increasing considerably; these individuals ‘data exclusives’. They have not in some markets, such as the UK and the US it has 344 stopped communicating, but are rather substituting reportedly trebled . traditional voice calls for a combination of messaging (including SMS), voice and video services delivered ‘over What may be happening is a polarization in the usage the top’. The data exclusive contingent was 22 percent of voice on mobile: some users are increasing their voice of all smartphone users in 2015, and 11 percent in 2012 call volumes; at the other end of the scale a growing 342 proportion are not using voice at all. (see Figure 17) . In recent years there have been two contrasting trends with voice. First, mobile voice volumes as measured in In 2016, 26 percent of smartphone users in minutes have increased by 20 percent between 2012 343 and 2015 , likely because of the increased affordability developed markets will not make any of voice minutes, the rising take-up of unlimited voice packages, an increase in voice minute allowances and traditional phone calls in a given week. an ongoing substitution of fixed to mobile calling. Figure 17: Weekly use of standard voice calling, 2012‑2015 Question: In the last seven days, in which of the following ways have you used your smartphone to communicate with others (standard voice calls)? 100% 90% 89% 87% 83% 80% 77% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 Note: Respondents who used their smartphone less than once a week have been excluded from this analysis Weighted base: Respondents who own or have access to a smartphone: 2012 (5,000), 2013 (10,427), 2014 (16,995), 2015 (18,334) Source: Deloitte member firms’ Global Mobile Consumer Survey, selected developed countries, May-July 2012/2013/2014/2015 Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions 2016 53

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