A tale of 44 cities | Shenzhen S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a Shenzhens Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies Viewtran Group Inc (Nasdaq: View), Ibox Play – mobile payment and Webank – Sha China’s first online-only bank. n gh Big data LaiG Big investors io Blockchain sv be or Tencent, Legend Capital, Hony Capital, Fortune VC and SILK Ventures. nn Mobile m e Gn l o b a l F Integration technologies it Cn es n t r Seu Success stories 2p h2 Payment gateways enp zo h Tencent is an inspiring story of how a small internet company became one of the enr nt most popular and leading FinTech companies in China and has revolutionised o i t a Innovation areas v o China’s FinTech industry. WeBank of Tencent is China’s first private commercial n n PI r agl bank and online-only bank. ueax beD Investments, funds and o ld7Bo Gn58ui I2sn ig wealth management n The future eIn s sn Retail banking INDEX SCOREo While innovation and FinTech is ‘cool’ in Europe, it is essential in China and a va E-commerce t backbone of the economic development. The remarkable funding and progress Brusselsi o Insurance Shenzhen is located in a special economic zone and is known as c n Hi Office in Shenzhen FinTech has been driven by a lack of financial infrastructure and a the “Silicon Valley of China”. It ranks first in China for the volume 125utlu PeopleSquared Capital markets infrastructure rising middle class demanding more convenience. With full support from the local of patent filings and is also the heart of the Internet of Things (IoT) er Simply Work government and a large unbanked population, there is significant future growth Tus Star Challenges potential in the next 12 months and beyond. manufacturing world. The government has ambitious plans and Urwork.cn policies to support the development of the fintech industry. Low Rank WeDo Regulatory uncertainty Regulatory barriers e Lack of professional services rtis ecosystem Reguxpe latto e ionity xim Pro Hub representativeFoers Silk Venturesreign custom startupsximity to CEOPro Angelica Anton 63

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