A tale of 44 cities | Singapore S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a SingaporesBest workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies Dragon Wealth, Call Levels, Fastacash, MatchMove Pay, MoolahSense, L Crowdonomic, Otonomos, Fitsense. on do Data analytics nG Big investors o UX v e r Full range of angel, VC, corporate venture divisions and government entities. Sn Big data im n ge aGn Examples include: GIC, Temasek, EDBI, Singtel Innov8, Life.SREDA, 500 Startups, l po b a l F Machine learning oit rCn es n et r eu Sequoia Capital, Jungle Ventures, Golden Gate Ventures, Quest Ventures. 3p Gamification p o r New t Success stories Y or Innovation areas k Allianz Digital Labs MDAQ is backed by prominent investors, valued at over $250m. Also, it is Aviva Digital Garage noteworthy that, as well as startups, incumbent financial institutions in Singapore BASH Investment management are proactively embracing FinTech. Singapore is a leading international financial centre and a serious Block 71 Compliance contender for the global number one spot in FinTech. Government InCitibank’s Corporate andCyber security Sn Consumer Innovation Labs i l i co o The move by the MAS to bring in industry talent to drive FinTech forward paid rich n ValleyINDEX SCOREv Exellerator support for FinTech is strong with S$225m committed to the a Wealth management t dividends and positioned the MAS as the leading regulator to drive progressive i o Fatfish MediaLab Robo advisors development of FinTech projects and proofs of concept. ther c nFocusTech Ventures thinking in FinTech innovation. initiatives include the egulator Sandbo loud omputing 112BDutluHSBC's Innovation Lab nisunioer InspirAsia Challenges The future Guidelines Strategic lectronic ­aments FinTech ffice ‚ƒS ssegLattice80 Singapore successfully hosted the FinTech Festival in November 2016. Initiatives „nnovation …ab „nternational Technolog ƒdvisor ­anel andMetlife’s Lumenlab Regulatory uncertainty Talent †evelopment.Low Rank Ocbc Open Vault Risk averse culture being run and in the pipeline include: the Unified Point of Sales (UPOS) roll-out of SPH Plug & Play Underdeveloped startup terminals, Central Addressing System (CAS) payment technology, Trade Finance Standard Chartered Bank’s distributed ledger proof of concept, SoCash cash withdrawal technology, and e Startupbootcamp FinTech ecosystem Banking-as-a-Service. 6rtis TCF-PnP Program RexednIpe The Joyful Frog Digital Incubator gulanoitavonnI labolG ex UBS Evolve tioy to Hub representativenmit Monetary Authorityoxi of SingaporePr Chief FinTech Officer Sopnendu Mohantyrs Foreigstome n startupity to cu sProxim Data to be updated in full report (Sibos, October 2017) 105

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