A tale of 44 cities | Lagos S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a Lagoss Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub proļ¬le Technologies Interswitch, Systemspecs Remita, Paga, Paystack, Appzone, eTranzact, PayPal Nigeria, PiggBank.Ng, Flutterwave, NIBSS, Jumia paycard, OneCare ditch and Cloud computing Niarex Bitcoin. G o Mobile v e r Big investors n Co-Creation Hub Social media m e Helios Investment Partners, BCX, Verod Capital, MTN via MIH, Adlevo Capital Dn Omidyar Network o i Ln aggt Banking-as-a-service B us os i n e sG sslu VC Fintech Accelerator o Managers and OmidyarNetwork. 1bp 6 9Na Messaging /lp A F Venture Garden Group i no Cr et n Y Combinatorial t r e Innovation areas Success stories Interswitch, an electronic payment platform with a plan to do a billion dollar listing Risk & compliance on the London Stock Exchange, will be the first African FinTech company to list in Back-office operations the UK. In Retail banking n INDEX SCOREo The future va Neo bank t The next 12 months looks very exciting as a number of new players have entered i o E-commerce c n the FinTech space and there is renewed government interest to provide FinTechs With a population of around 190 million, Nigeria is the most populated n/a*utlu with a supportive and enabling environment. We expect to see more collaboration country in Africa and has a large number of vibrant and innovative erChallenges with international hubs, more FinTech focused events and continued interest by young people. Lagos, being the commercial capital, has the largest High cost of living financial institutions to support FinTech. concentration of FinTechs in the country.Low Ranknoi Low levels of knowledge tavo sharing nnI laxed411 bolGnIse Low access to capital Rrti egxpe ulatio to e nity xim Pro Formers Hub representativeeign sto custo* The data for Lagos is not available Fintech Association of Nigeria artupsProximity ton the Global Financial Centre Index. As such, Lagos has not been given an CEOIndex Performance Score. Segun Aina 45

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