A tale of 44 cities | Bangkok S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc i High Ranxa t ko e yr s a r e a BangkoksBest workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profilek Technologies Omise, Digio, Ascend, Claimdi, Stockradars, Finnomena, iTax (Legal Drive), Jitta, M Airpay, Piggipo (Neversitup). a dr i Md G Digital identity Big investors ilo Machine learning av ne r 500 Startups (500 Tuktuks), Dtac Accelerate, True Incube, Golden Gate Ventures, n Banking-as-a-service m e M8VC and Digital Ventures. Gn l o b a l F Payment gateways it Cn es Digital Ventures n t r Beu a3p n9 Blockchain gkokp Dream Office (C-Asean) o Success stories r Dtac Accelerate t Krungsri Rise The Thai FinTech Association was launched in July 2016. More than half of the The Thai FinTech ecosystem is growing rapidly. In 2016, the number of Innovation areas FinTech startups in Thailand has joined the Thai FinTech Association and there B FinTech startups doubled from around 40 to almost 90. Bangkok, which udapest Wealth management are 100 members from banks, VCs and angel investors, regulators, policy makers, is at the centre of Thailand’s economy and financial industry, is driving Retail banking technology partners, experts and entrepreneurs also joined the Thai FinTech In E-commerce Association. In collaboration with Thai FinTech Association, the National Reform FinTech development in Thailand. Most major banks have launched n INDEX SCOREo Steering Assembly has finished the whitepaper to be FinTech Roadmap for their own corporate VCs, innovation labs and accelerator programs for va Payments t Thailand 4.0. Moscowi o KYC FinTech startups. In Thailand, regulators (the Securities and Exchange c n Commission and the Bank of Thailand in particular) play an active role 137utlu The future 64uBoDer Challenges The Bank of Thailand and The Securities and Exchange Commission have launched in growing the FinTech ecosystem. For example, the SEC launchednenisgni a FinTech competition to promote and support new ideas ofkoitavss Regulatory barriers their regulatory sandboxes and are in the process of participants selection. The financial innovation.Low RanonnI Quality of infrastructure Bank of Thailand is expected to issue the license for peer-to-peer lending within laboxednI25 Skills shortages - technology Q2-Q3/2017. lG tise There are committees under the National Legislative Assembly, the National Reper Reform Steering Assembly and the National Startup Committee to improve gulao ex FinTech and Financial infrastructure. Some laws and regulations that are currently tionty t obstacles to FinTech development will be proposed to amendment. imi rox P Formers Hub representativeeign sto custo Thai Fintech Association artupsProximity t Acting President Jessada Sookdhis 29

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