A tale of 44 cities | Nairobi S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a NairobisBest workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies Innova, Pesa Pal, KAPS LTD, Craft Silicon. Digital identity Big investors G Savannah Fund, NEST, Centum Investment, Novastar Ventures. o Mobile v e r n Payment gateways m e Success stories Dn o i n gt Connectivity B us s i n eG su sl o M-PESA has revolutionised the way Kenya does business through its mobile 9bp 2Na P2P technologies /lp A NairobF i no money transfer system. Launched in 2007, 17 million Kenyans use M-PESA Cr et in t r e Innovation areas thanks to a simple text-based menu that is accessible on even the most basic mobile phone. NEST Retail banking (Barclays, Merck) MODE provides instant nano-credit for pre-paid mobile phone users across Africa, Liquidity management founded in 2010, it now has operations in 31 countries with a customer base of In Foreign exchange n INDEX SCOREo over 250 million. Kenya is the best known FinTech Hub in Africa. It benefits from inflows va E-commerce t i o Credit scoring of development money as one of the ’s maor offices is located c n The future in airobi. The technical talent pool is maturin with improvements n/a*utlu The technical skills gap between Kenya and other international FinTech hubs will in skills and development. ­eionally Kenya has a stable political erChallenges narrow due to continued training and development provided by programmes environment and attracts FinTech companies from other parts of Risk averse culture such as Code for Africa. With some international banking groups decreasing their Africa especially in the sub €aharan reion.Low Rank Regulatory uncertainty presence in Africa, this will free up larger pools of talent to enter the FinTech space. Skills shortages noitav08tise ReonnI laxbednIper gulaolG ex tioy to nmit oxi Pr Formers eign sto custo* The data for Nairobi is not available Hub representativeartupsProximity ton the Global Financial Centre Index. NEST NairobiAs such, Nairobi has not been given an Index Performance Score. CEO Aaron Fu Data to be updated in full report (Sibos, October 2017) 95

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