A tale of 44 cities | Edinburgh S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a Edinburghs Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies The ID Co., Money Dashboard, Nucleus, Float, FreeAgent, Zonefox, Symphonic A Software, Wallet Services, The Lending Crowd and Payfont. ms te rd Big data CamG Big investors oo Data analytics pv ee nr Par Equity, Archangels, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Equity Partners. hn Codebase Technology Incubator Digital identity agm ee Gn l o b E-Spark (HQ at RBS Gogarburn) na l F P2P networks it nn oCs ie n tt r aeu vx Success stories oe6p End6 Blockchain dnn IIp i nl3 bao ub Successful startups include Nucleus (won investment platform of the year for ror glt hG 2016), Zonefox (recently secured £3.6m Series A), Money Dashboard (awarded g Innovation areas Edinburgh is a significant global financial services centre, home to ns is Best Personal Finance App 2017 in the British Bank Awards), FreeAgent oe7 Dn i large financial institutions and challenger banks. Edinburgh boasts a Paris (first equity crowdfunded business to IPO, achieving a market capitalisation su heritage in technology, engineering and innovation; and there is a B Compliance of around £34.1m), Payfont (recently valued at up to £180 million). Cyber security strong talent pool emerging from top universities and initiatives such In Identity management n INDEX SCOREo The creation of a FinTech strategy for Scotland, sponsored and supported by the as The School of Informatics, the DataLab, StartEdin, and CodeClan. va Open data t government and industry is another success story for Edinburgh. This initiative Osloi o Payments Edinburgh has all the component parts to enable a thriving FinTech c n is already helping to accelerate growth and connection across the industry. ecosystem and in an area of roughly one sq. mile across the city 76utlu centre, one can access major FS organisations, deeply experienced er Challenges The future technologists, highly intelligent and practical academics and secure Risk averse culture The pace and scale of FinTech startups and scaleups is set to continue across early stage funding. There are not many other cities that have an Low Rank Low levels of knowledge Edinburgh. The jointly backed government and industry initiative to define and 'ecosystem concentration’ like Edinburgh! sharing drive a FinTech strategy for Scotland is already gathering huge momentum. Regulatory uncertainty The next 12 months will see the emergence of a connected FinTech ecosystem tise in Edinburgh, and Scotland more broadly. Reper gulao ex tionty t imi rox Hub representativeP FinTech Scotland (Steering Commitee)rs Foreigstome n startupity to cu sProxim 37

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