A tale of 44 cities | Budapest S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a Budapests Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies Shinrai, B-Payment, Blueopes, Wyze, Simple, Cellum , IND, Dorsum and Gravity. Mi l an Mobile Big investors BG Speedinvest, DayOne Capital, HiVentures and OTP Bank. ao APIs nv ge kr on Machine learning km e Success stories Gn l o b a l fi Payment gateways nt C es n t r Beu The acquisition of IND Group by Misys in 2014. IND is a leading innovator and u7p da7p UX peso provider of online and mobile banking, personal finance management and tr t payments solutions. n Innovation areas o i t Ma ov sco The future own n Cyber security I l The market will continue to mature. Strong enthusiasm and demand will ax be Banking technology solutions o ldI generate supply. The first Hungarian FinTech accelerator will end its first batch Gn3n I3n E-commerce INDEX SCOREo and it is likely that more similar initiatives will start with banks launching their own va MKB Fintech Accelerator Identity management t accelerator programmes. Startups and corporates will become better connected. Istanbuli o Mosaik Fraud detection and c n SparkLab by NN The regulatory landscape for FinTechs will improve with upcoming changes to The FinTech industry in Hungary has been gaining considerable 151utlu mitigation account opening and account switching regulations. momentum over the last year. Hungary and the CEE countries are er mostly known for their excellent technological talent pool and Challenges innovative technologies. Low Rank Regulatory uncertainty Regulatory barriers se Small size of market 14rti RessenisuBpe gulagnioDo ex tionty t imi rox P Hub representative CEE FinTechrs Foreigstome CEOn startupity to cu Zsombor ImresProxim 31

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