A tale of 44 cities | Toronto S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a TorontosBest workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies FinanceIT, WealthSimple, League, Thinking Capital, Bioconnect, Zafin, Wave S Accounting and Gold money. yd n e yG Big data Big investors Fro Cloud computing av ne kr OMERS Ventures, Georgian Partners, Information Venture Partners, Business fun RPA / cognitive rtm e Development Bank of Canada (BDC), Investment Accelerator Fund (IAF) and Power Gn l o b a l F APIs it Cn es n t r Teu Corporation of Canada. 1p or3p Blockchain onto or Toronto is recognised as one of the largest and most stable financialt Success stories centres in the world that encompasses a diverse tech and Innovation areas Founded in 2006, Shopify is an e-commerce company which provides software S for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Shopify’s initial public offering t oc academic community. Nearly 80% of fintech startups in Canadakhol are Toronto-based and supported by government, private investors m Alternative lending in 2015 valued the company at $1.27 billion and today it has more than 1,750 Payments employees around the world. and the corporate community. Incumbent banks are dedicatingIn Cyber security n nINDEX SCOREo ov 500 startups 40-60% of their FinTech innovation budgets to areas such as artificial tia Risk Management at The future Tokyovi oCreative Destruction Lab intelligence, cybersecurity and blockchain. Venture-capital financingonn E-Commerce nI l22suBoDuc Digital Media Zone (DMZ) 2017 will see a growing focus on Artificial Intelligence and Cyber security in in Canadian FinTech was up 74% from 2015 to 2016, its highest level abolxedn5150enignirutlMaRS Toronto. As well as this, we expect to see further regulatory developments, since 2000. This growth continues to attract global banks, investorsGIsseOne ElevenChallenges particularly as the regulatory sandbox develops, and more connections with Techstars other international hubs. The next Sibos conference will also be held in Toronto and startups that are looking to set-up shop and expand their Regulatory barriers FinTech innovation in Toronto.Low Rank Lack of competition in in October 2017. domestic market e Talent leakage rtis Reguxpe latto e ionity xim Pro Hub representative MaRS Discovery District CEOFormers eign sto custo Ilse TreurnichtartupsProximity t Data to be updated in full report (Sibos, October 2017) 111

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