A tale of 44 cities | London S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a Londons Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies Atom Bank, Azimo, Clear Score, Crowdcube, Currency Cloud, Digital Shadows, L DueDil, Ebury, eToro, Funding Circle, Go Cardless, Iwoca, Kantox, LendInvest, on Market Invoice, Monzo, Nutmeg, Property Partner, Ratesetter, Revolut, Seedrs, do Mobile nG Starling Bank, Syndicate Room, Tandem, Transferwise, World First, World Remit, o Barclays RISE Algorithms v e r FinTech Innovation Lab Worldpay, Zopa. n Web access m e Level39 Gn l o b a l F Connectivity it Cn es Startupbootcamp n t r eu Big investors S1p i Banking-as-a-service np Techstars gD apoo Accel, Anthemis, Augmentum Capital, Aviva Ventures, Balderton, Brightbridge oBir ru nt Wayra e7sg i n e WeWork Ventures, Illuminate Financial, Index, Northzone, Octopus, Passion Capital, s s Innovation areas Santander InnoVentures. Capital markets Success stories London has the world’s largest financial services sector, supportedn Neo bank Worldpay raised an IPO in 2015 becoming the largest UK FinTech IPO to date and oI in t by a booming tech sector. The ecosystem has the “Fin” of New York, Nean Retail banking wv Y orkoINDEX SCOREo became the largest tech IPO of 2015. This demonstrated that the UK is not only nva Foreign exchange n the “Tech” of the US West Coast and the policymakers of Washington, It a great place to start a FinTech business, but that the UK has all the resources to i a lxo Wealth management all within a 15 minute journey on public transport. These factors make bolednc n help companies to scale, be successful and achieve a world class exit. London one of the greatest connected global cities in the world with GI311utlu the key ingredients for digital success: capital, talent, regulatory and er Challenges The future government support and demographic diversity. High cost of living Over the next 12 months the UK will forge greater global FinTech connections to Low Rank High cost of office space support the developed ecosystem in the UK. FinTech is global and UK FinTech High cost of labour firms have global ambitions which require global capital, talent and partnerships to ensure long term success. tise Reper gulao ex tionty t imi Hub representativerox Innovate FinanceP CEO Lawrence WintermeyerFormers eign sto custo artupsProximity t Data to be updated in full report (Sibos, October 2017) 89

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