A tale of 44 cities | Moscow S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a Moscows Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies CardsMobile, Cashoff, Double Data, DLS, 2can, Promobot, Vision Labs, Rubbles, B Pay-Me and Blackmoon. an gko Mobile BkG Big investors uo APIs v de ar Russian Venture Company, Sberbank, Almaz Capital, Runa Capital, Leta Capital, pn Machine learning em se tGn iTechCapital, Internet Initiatives Development Fund, ru-Net Ventures, AddVenture, l o b a l F Banking-as-a-service it Cn es n t r Meu ABRT Venture Fund, VentureClub, E.ventures and IMI.VC. 8p o4 Platform architectures sp cowo r t Success stories Innovation areas From an investment perspective, success stories include: Otkritie bank (#6 bank in I s tanb Russia) bought 100% equity of Rocketbank in April 2016, Systema JFSC corporate uln Cyber security o venture fund invested $5.5 million in Vision Labs and state-owned Sberbank i The Russian Hub is well recognised for its technological talent pool, t a Retail banking v oIn AlfaCamp (#1 in Russia) and Internet Initiatives Development Fund plan to invest $2.5 million especially in areas such as cyber-security, data analytics and web nn Neo bank n Generation S I o each in Promobot. From an exit perspective, in June 2016, the Waves Platform, alxINDEX SCOREv HSE Pro FinTech programming. With the ambitious state plan to turn Moscow into a bea Credit scoring odt a Russian startup creating crypto assets conducted one of the largest ICOs ln3i o Innopolis global financial centre and strong government support for innovation, ManamaGI4n Robo advisors uc InspiRussia (IPO for bitcoins) of the amount of $17 million. the FinTech industry is quickly gaining pace both in terms of the 167rutl Internet Initiatives number of startups and VC investments. Moreover, being one of the e Development Fund Challenges The future QIWI Universe 2017 will be an exciting year for Russia. On the regulation side, we expect Russia’s largest consumer markets in the world, Russia has a great scope to Skolkovo Fintech Hub Regulatory uncertainty increase financial inclusion. Low Rank Skills shortages – financial Central Bank, in cooperation with key players of the financial industry, to launch Limited exit opportunities a regulatory sandbox. This will boost the emergence of FinTech startups in areas where current regulation is unclear. From an events perspective, in 2017 Russia tise will be one of the two countries hosting the SWIFT Innotribe Innovation Challenge ReBuDoingper (along with the African region). In addition, on June 6-7 the Skolkovo Innovation gusinessex lati40 to Centre will also be holding its main startup event of the year – the Startup Village, onmity bringing together over 4000 startups (including, FinTechs) and 800 investors from oxi all over the world. Hub representativePr Skolkovo FinTech Hub CEOFormers Viktor Vekselbergeign sto custo artupsProximity t 55

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