A tale of 44 cities | Contents Contents Connecting the global – Copenhagen 34 – Bangalore 76 FinTech community 04 – Edinburgh 36 – Brussels 78 Readers’ note 06 – Istanbul 38 – Dublin 80 Methodology 07 – Jakarta 40 – Frankfurt 82 Reading guide 13 – Kuala Lumpur 42 – Hong Kong 84 Research findings 14 – Lagos 44 – Johannesburg 86 – Lisbon 46 – London 88 Overview – Index – Madrid 48 – Luxembourg City 90 Performance Scores 17 – Manama 50 – Mexico City 92 Overview – Hub Indicators 18 – Milan 52 – Nairobi 94 Global FinTech VC deal – Moscow 54 – New York 96 value 2016 19 – Oslo 56 – Paris 98 Map of regulatory sandboxes 20 – Prague 58 – Shanghai 100 Map of regulatory – Sao Paulo 60 – Silicon Valley 102 collaboration 21 – Shenzhen 62 – Singapore 104 New Hubs 22 – Stockholm 64 – Sydney 106 – Abu Dhabi 24 – Taipei 66 – Tel Aviv 108 – Auckland 26 – Tokyo 68 – Toronto 110 – Bangkok 28 – Warsaw 70 – Zurich 112 – Budapest 30 Old Hubs 72 Acknowledgements 114 – Chicago 32 – Amsterdam 74 3

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