A tale of 44 cities | New York S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a New Yorks Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies Betterment, Digital Asset, Kickstarter, Learnvest, Common Bond, OnDeck Capital, Lon Moven, Oscar, Kasisto, CB Insights. do SnG Big data Big investors io Social media nv gaporee r Bain, Nyca, First Round, Bessemer Venture Partners, IA Ventures, Norwest Venture n APIs m e Partners, Canaan Ventures, Silver Lake, Lightyear Capital, North Hill Ventures. Gn l o b a l F Machine learning it Cn es n t r eu 2p Messaging Np ewo Success stories r Yort k Founded in 2007, LearnVest provides award-winning financial planning systems. D Innovation areas Bo The company was acquired by Northwestern Mutual in 2015 for $250m. ui 8sn ig n e s Ss Markets and exchanges i lic on OnDeck, a lending platform for small businesses, has loaned over $2bn to small Va ll ey Capital markets businesses across 700 industries in all 50 states and Canada. As a leading global financial hub, New York has some of the largest and nIn Retail banking on i tINDEX SCOREo Barclays RISE av most established financial services institutions actively investing in, and va FinTech Innovation Lab Wealth management ot Betterment is an automated investing service. Over 120,000 customers have nni o Startupbootcamp collaborating with, a myriad of FinTechs. With Wall Street having both ChicagoI ln Blockchain / Distributed aboxeduc Techstars Ledger invested more than $3bn with Betterment and in 2016 the company was valued the largest capital base and greatest need for FinTech innovation, the lGnI414rutl at $700m. best technology and engineering talent have come together to createe a vibrant and well-funded ecosystem within walking distance of the Challenges The future market they serve.Low Rank High cost of living We will see a large number of FinTech companies adopt a collaborative High cost of office space approach by partnering with financial institutions in order to scale up their Technology skills shortages activities. There may also be growth through acquisition in more developed tise technology sectors. Reper gulao ex tionty t imi rox P Hub representatives Partnership Fund for NYCForeomer ign star to cust Director, FinTechtupsProximity Innovation Lab Sunny Parikh Data to be updated in full report (Sibos, October 2017) 97

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