A tale of 44 cities | Copenhagen S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a Copenhagens Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Technologies Lunarway, Coinify, Hufsy, Chainanlysis,Crediwire, Cardlay, Pleo, Ernit, Lendino, Hub profileTaip Accelerace Clearhaus, Samlino, Monera and MyMonii. Copenhagen Fintech Lab ei Founders House Digital identity AG Rainmaking Loft Big investors mo Natural language processing sv te Singularity U Copenhagen er Seed Capital, SEB Ventures, North East Ventures, Private Business Angels and rdn Machine learning am Spar Nord Future Finance me NFT Ventures. Gn l o b a l F Banking-as-a-service it nn The Camp o i tCs ae n t vr Coeu on n6p I0 Venture Cup penh Blockchain lp a bo o alxr Success stories gGe edt nn I s8 Tradeshift is one company which has really taken off, with a presence in US and gs ne in Innovation areas oi Ds Chinese markets. Lunar Way and Coinify are also emerging success stories. u EdinbB 3 Founded in 2014, Coinify’s payment and trade services offer businesses and u r gh Investment management individuals easy access to over 15 blockchain currencies (including bitcoin, ether Ranked highly in the World Bank Group’s Ease of Doing Business AML / KYC and ripple). Coinify has emerged as a success story for blockchain and bitcoin in In Cyber security Index, Denmark boasts a strong digital heritage, digital-minded n INDEX SCOREo Europe, and not just in Denmark. va Wealth management regulators and a tech savvy population. A strong and supportive t Parisi o Crowdfunding ecosystem consisting of financial, academic, and regulatory c n The future institutions are ready to see FinTechs scale. The Danish market is 71utlu We anticipate strong growth in the number of FinTech startups in Denmark mature and the possibilities near limitless: a perfect environment for er Challenges over the next 12 months, with the expansion of the Copenhagen FinTech Lab. FinTech startups to thrive and test solutions. Regulatory uncertainty As the ecosystem grows, we expect Copenhagen to attract more risk capital Low Rank Low access to capital and foreign startups, as well as more tech talent. 2017 will also see the launch Small size of market of a Copenhagen FinTech Accelerator, more partnerships between universities, corporates and startups in Denmark and stronger bridges between Denmark tise and other international hubs. Reper gulao ex tionty t imi rox Hub representativeP Copenhagen FinTech CEOFormers Thomas Krogh Jenseneign sto custo artupsProximity t 35

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