A tale of 44 cities | Taipei S e l f e v a u l a t i o n o f tH h eu hb u bi in nd i sc High Rankixa t ko e yr s a r e a Taipeis Best workspace and accelerators Hub features Top FinTech companies Hub profile Technologies Fugle, Tixguru, Aimaizing, Maicoin, Addweup and Soundnet, Airsig. T o k yo AppWorks Data analytics Big investors DG Financial Technology Development Fund and National Development Fund. o Mobile uv be lir nn APIs m e Success stories Gn l o b a l F P2P networks it Cn es n t r eu Founded in 2014, Airsig has developed the first air signature authentication 2p Taip1p Payment gateways o technology in the world and filed nine patents across Taiwan, China and the er it U.S. Attracted by its high-quality authentication and control capability, the Innovation areas manufacturing giant Foxconn had invested Airsig with $2 million, and impel Airsig’s s gs ne market value to $20 million within 3 months since its launch. Airsig’s unique in i Aos KYC msDu tB1 authentication solution also makes two major banks in Taiwan become their e r dam1 Retail banking Taipei is the capital and the financial centre of Taiwan with over 1900 In E-commerce customers and lets it join the FIDO Alliance in 2017. n INDEX SCOREo financial institutions established in the city. It is also a powerhouse for va Credit scoring t The future Copenhageni o Robo advisors the IT industry and have cultivated numerous tech talents in the past c n In the next 12 months, we expect to see more connections between Taiwan and 30 years. In addition to its strong “Fin” and “Tech” foundations, other 57utlu other international hubs; as well as more foreign startups entering Taiwan. We will ingredients such as strong government support, location, and fluencyer Challenges also see a stronger FinTech talent pool in Taiwan with the launch of a FinTechBase in Mandarin and English, have led many to target Taipei as a hidden Risk averse culture Learning Passport and learning resume. jam in global FinTech markets. Low Rank Regulatory barriers 52I Skills shortages – financial ednG xbol I lae onntis Roitaver egunxp latto e ionity xim Pro Hub representativeFormers Taiwan Financial Services eign sto custo artupsProximity t Roundtable (TFSR) – FinTechBase CEO Dr. Jun-ji Shih 67

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