The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps The eoie ™„iss Wa†h Inusry ™uy 2014 The suy hiƒhiƒhs he ie„s o‚ „a†h †o…€any exe†uies on he key †haenƒes an o€€oruniies ‚a†inƒ he ™„iss „a†h inusry­ ›ro„h has been one o‚ he e‚ininƒ ‚eaures o‚ he „a†h inusry­ ‘u „hie …any re…ain o€i…isi† ‚or ƒro„h oer he nex 12 …onhs „eakeninƒ ‚oreiƒn e…an is €er†eie as a siƒni‚i†an risk­ Whie he ouook is no as o€i…isi† as i has been in he as 2 years noaby ‚or –hina ne„ o€€oruniies are ex€e†e in eeo€inƒ …arkes su†h as Inia an Inonesia „ih Euro€ean an U™ …arkes aso srenƒheninƒ­ earch our website or contact us to access the insights

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