The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps ™u€€y †hain & o€eraions H‚ˆ ˆ c‹ ‰ l† ›einƒ €rou†s ‚ro… †a„ak o †uso…er re uires †oninuous innoaion an †onsan aenion – he abiiy o res€on „ih s€ee an aƒiiy is a key €ar o‚ sayinƒ ahea o‚ he †o…€eiion­ Wih he su€€y †hain o‚en a††ouninƒ ‚or —0Ÿ o‚ oa business †oss †reainƒ a O’‹i“c‰‹‹ l Agile-buying & End-to-end supply chain Omni-customer …ore e‚fi†ien su€€y †hain †an i…€roe …arƒins e†rease S­ Ž Merchandising design & Optimisation Fulfilment i…e˜o˜…arke an een ƒro„ …arke share­ We’e • What is the right multi- • What are the right • Where should we locate • What is the most effective channel operating model… products to sell… ›hat our fulfilment centres… method of fulfilment… eeo€e a uni ue ‚ra…e„ork an se o‚ †a€abiiies ›hat does ‘good’ look like olumes are reƒuired ha s€an he enire su€€y †hain – ‚ro… sraeƒy o in the luxury industry… by product & channel… • Which partners offer the • How can we track stock most agile distribution… at each location… i…€e…enaion an †an assis in unerakinƒ a • Establish the right supply • Single view of product as€e†s o‚ sraeƒi† an a†i†a assess…en esiƒn chain strategy to ensureœ to support effectie • Building integrated • Designing scalable and agile Customer centre operating decision making demand and supply order management solutions an i…€e…enaion in†uinƒ ehi†a €ro†ure…en model design planning capabilitya an susainabiiy †onsieraions o i…€roe your • Support the end-to- • Building an accurate view of • Omni-channel foundations end buying cycleœ • Omni-channel network stock across the enterprise su€€y †hain o€eraions­ ’single iew of product order configuration & stock“ • Disciplined sourcing, • Profitable pick, pack and product lifecycle and • Effective supplier dispatch for deliery to stores • Bring it to life with roadmap category management management and direct to customer & ™ourney planning • Omni-merchandise • Building end-to-end cost napshot client story optimisation to sere isibility to drie profitable decision making For a ƒoba †onsu…er bran „e he€e he… beer …anaƒe €rofiabiiy an „orkinƒ †a€ia in a e†ininƒ €hysi†a …arke­ We bui a business €rofiabiiy an inenory ra†kinƒ …oe o in‚or… †uso…er / €rou† €rofiabiiy an inenory/isribuion e†isions­ The key benefis „ere° an o€i…ise €or‚oio – isibiiy o‚ „hi†h €rou†s …ae …oney¢ an a reu†ion in ‚ufi…en an soraƒe †oss­

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