The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps Anayi†s H‚ˆ ˆ c‹ ‰ l† We are isru€inƒ he …arke€a†e by e…beinƒ Whie here’s no sinƒe ans„er o he uesion o‚ „here o sar „ih anayi†s „e beiee hese areas shou be on he shor is ‚or any uxury business anayi†s in eeryhinƒ „e o­ Throuƒh a unreeninƒ ‚o†us on “hear o‚ he business” issues „e are he€inƒ CŠ€‚’ ­ … ­‚ˆ‰ Ri€k … ­ Šl‚­Ž W‚­kŒ‚­c —i‹‹c SŠ††lŽ c‰i‹ our †iens o rans‚or… he…sees eierinƒ a –ricing & profitability Regulation & –erformance Šinancial performance upplier & procurement “o…ino e‚‚e†” riinƒ ao€ion hrouƒhou heir compliance management management analysis business ‚ro… he ineƒraion o‚ our aan†e Customer segmentation Šraud & forensics ›orkforce alignment ‘danced forecasting upply chain †a€abiiies inusry ex€erise innoaie eiery optimisation …oes an aue˜base ou†o…es­ Brand & sentiment Reputational risk Compensation & Tax model –roduct profitability analysis benefits optimisation The e€h an breah o‚ †a€abiiies is unriae – no oher ‚ir… has he †o…binaion o‚ anayi†s e†hnooƒy †a€abiiies o…ain ex€erise aan†e anayi†s oƒeher „ih reaionshi€s „ih –xŒ an business o„ners­ We hae oer §000 anayi†s €ro‚essionas ƒobay „orkinƒ in †oaboraion „ih our 1ž000 ei†ae T‰ —€‰i‚‹ I‹ lli ‹c Acc l ­‚­ eiery ne„ork o eier ƒreaer insiƒh o you­ We hae inese o †reae a uni ue se o‚ ‚ashion ineiƒen†e an anayi†s oos­ An exa…€e o‚ his is ‚oun „ihin our eainƒ˜eƒe oo ‚or ‚ashion reaiers° kno„ †o…€eiors’ €rou†s €ri†es an is†ouns o …axi…ise he €rofiabiiy o‚ e†isions­ The ‘Fashion Ineiƒen†e’ A††eeraor is an anayi†s oo ha €roies our reai †iens „ih rea˜i…e †o…€eior ineiƒen†e base on €ubi†ay aaiabe aa ha eas o beer buyinƒ an rainƒ e†isions as „e as beinƒ abe o €rei† he nex bes hinƒ in se†ons­

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