The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps ™raeƒy H‚ˆ ˆ c‹ ‰ l† ™raeƒy is abou †hoi†es­ We „ork sie by sie „ih The range of challenges we help our clients tackle is dierse but our client engagements hae some common characteristics­ Šor exampleœ our †iens o …ake he †hoi†es ha „i he€ sre†h an shar€en heir a…biion – ƒroune fir…y in he reaiies • We he€ †iens †ari‚y he naure o‚ he o€€oruniy or €robe… o‚ he …arke€a†e he †a€abiiies o‚ heir orƒanisaion ‚re ueny assisinƒ in €roiinƒ ‘sru†ure o he unsru†ure’ an he ƒoas o‚ heir sakehoers­ We unersan ha • We su€€or †iens in …akinƒ he riƒh sraeƒi† †hoi†es abou hose €robe…s sraeƒy sans or ‚as on exe†uion – an „e are kno„n ‚or eierinƒ ‘exe†uabe sraeƒy’­ Wih oer š00 • –ru†iay „e „ork „ih †iens o eeo€ exe†uabe souions o hose €robe…s ei†ae €ra†iioners eoie’s ™raeƒy €ra†i†e has he s†ae breah an e€h o eier ƒenuine i…€a† an insiƒh o our ‚ashion & uxury †iens­ U‹l‚cki‹ N ˆ S‚Š­c € OŒ ‡­‚ˆ‰ ki‹ ‰ C‚‹fiŠ­i‹ ‚€ ‚Œ W‰ ‰ O­‹i€i‚‹ Y‚Š H ‡‚ Œ‚­ ‡­‚ˆ‰ ™in†e «anuary 201š he eoie ™raeƒy ea… has aso TR‘T˜žIC COIC˜ ›RŒWT¥ •AT¥ RE”ENUE in†ue Monior eoie­ Foune in he eary 1§—0s by a see† TRŸCTŸRINž MANA›EMENT ƒrou€ o‚ ¥arar ‘usiness ™†hoo €ro‚essors Monior eoie has been a he ‚ore‚ron o‚ sraeƒi† hinkinƒ resear†h an –ŒN™UMER NETWŒR¬ FŒŒT•RINT –¥ANNEL innoaion ‚or a…os š0 years­ •RI–IN› & IN–ENTI”E™ Œ•TIMI™ATIŒN ™TRATE›¨ MAR¬ETIN› •ŒRTFŒLIŒ / TAR›ET Œ•ERATIN› E®–ELLEN–E MAR¬ET RE”IEW MŒEL

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