The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps The ƒreenhouse ex€erien†e “Our lab experience was a great aid in the deelopment of our thinking around In†reasinƒy your business ‚a†es issues „ihou the analytics ‘art of the possible’­ Being easy ans„ers­ Issues ha re uire …ui€e €ers€e†ies able to see and interact with demos †reaiiy an aa€aion­ Issues ha †anno be of real life business scenarios brought aresse „ih business as usua­ We e†ie o suy analytics to life far beyond what words „ha i akes o break ou o‚ hese rus an a††eerae …eaninƒ‚u resus an „e is†oere he €o„er o‚ and slide could do” i……ersie ex€erien†es – 1˜2 ay inera†ie sessions aiore o aress s€e†ifi† business †haenƒes­ The eoie ƒreenhouse †onsiss o‚ a see†ion o‚ ‘abs’ ead of Šinancial –lanning & ‘nalysis easy¢et ea†h one ra„inƒ u€on €rin†i€es ‚ro… esiƒn hinkinƒ behaioura e†ono…i†s ƒrou€ yna…i†s an innoaion heory­ Reƒaress o‚ o€i† ea†h ex€erien†e is †uso…ise o an exe†uie or ea…’s isin† nees­ The †o……on hrea¯ isru€inƒ orinary hinkinƒ reeainƒ ne„ €ossibiiies an in†iinƒ €rou†ie a†ion­ W‚­ki‹ ˆi‰ Ž‚Š IERSIVE FACTATE STRUCTURED ›e take you out of the ordinary ›e thoughtfully assemble ›e tie together with and into a consciously designed the right mix of high tech an approach specifically enironment and high touch elements designed to produce moments of impact

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