Israel - the world’s 2nd best entrepreneurial ecosystem Israel – The hotspot for disruptive innovation The 2015 Global Startup Ecosystem ranked Tel Aviv 2nd place after the US. For more than a decade Israel in general, and [Criteria: Performance, Funding, Talent, Market Reach, and Startup Experience] the city of Tel Aviv in particular, has positioned The 2015 Bloomberg Innovation Index ranked Israel #5, outpacing the US. itself as a global leader for innovation and of the [Criteria: R&D performance, tech education, patents, and other marks of technology process] faster growing hotspots for technology. Israel is mostly known for its rich ecosystem and ability to Over 1,000 exits = over $60 billion produce disruptive and cutting-edge innovations. The Israeli technology industry has turned into of Israeli technology companies in 2006 - 2015 in capital an economic success story by both local and international standards. 2015 per capita investment in startups $423 Technology in Israel Israel has the highest concentration of technical companies outside of Silicon Valley and the $186 highest number of NASDAQ-listed technology companies, after the U.S. and China. Also, Israel’s $16 $14 technology industry accounts for 15.7% of the Europe China USA Israel country’s GDP. 2015 was another strong year of exits & investments in Israeli startups with 104 deals of over $9 billion Exits by sector 6% 5% 3% Cleantech $8.4 bn. 12% Communications The total value of 96 Israeli Hi-Tech 16% Internet 2015 15% M&A deals in 2015 IT & Enterprise Software Life Sciences 43% Other $609 mn. Semiconductors From IPO activity in 2015 Buyers by geography, M&A deals 6% 3% East Asia 1,400 new startups, 4% 4% UK in 2015, out of which: USA/Canda 30% 2015 Israel 373 received funding over 53% $500K, totaling $3.58 bn. Europe (+62% compared to 2014) Other 12