Figure 3: Intent to purchase a smartphone or laptop within the next 12 months among 18-24 year-olds Q: Which of the following devices are you likely to buy in the next 12 months? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Average Australia Canada Finland France Germany Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Singapore Spain UK US Laptop Smartphone Weighted base: Respondents aged 18-24: Australia (265), Canada (253), Finland (120), France (242), Germany (212), Italy (193), Japan (185), Netherlands (253), Norway (130), Singapore (327), Spain (193), UK (510), US (279) Source: Deloitte member firms’ Global Mobile Consumer Survey, developed countries, May-July 2015 Other Deloitte US research into the US market suggests Desktop and laptop computers are close behind at that 14-25 year-olds rank laptops among their most 27 percent of total media time: which is more than for 56 valued devices . About three-quarters of 14-25 year-olds the adult population as a whole (only 21 percent); and placed laptops and smartphones in their top three valued higher than the percentage of time millennials spend on devices. That percentage was higher than laptop ranking traditional TV (23 percent). In fact, based on time spent, for any other demographic studied. It was also much millennials are closer to being the post-TV generation higher than any other device for trailing millennials, than the post-PC generation. whose next top-ranked devices were gaming consoles, 60 flat-panel TV and desktop computers at 45, 40 and 35 In a comScore study , millennials in all of the US, UK percent respectively. and Canada are definitely mobile-first: in each country 18-34 year-olds spend at least 20 hours more per month Further, the younger millennials appear to be getting on mobiles than on their laptops or desktop PCs. In fact, good use out of their computers. Studies suggest American millennials spend 90 hours per month on their that 18-24 year-olds in the US spend 49 minutes per mobiles, nearly 50 hours more than on their computers. day using the Internet or watching video on a PC, in However, that has not meant they have abandoned addition to email, games, and work/study applications their PCs: millennial PC usage is 39-46 hours per month 57 such as word processing . That 49 minutes per day is across the countries, which is a little less than usage for less than older Americans (35-49 year-olds are using the population as a whole (about two hours per month), the Internet or watching video on their computers 69 but not materially so. 58 minutes per day ) but it does not suggest that the younger group is about to abandon their laptops or Looking at media platform usage by all adult Americans desktops in the near future. But the same data shows (and not only trailing millennials,) there has been that millennials make use of their smartphones even enormous growth in time spent on digital mobile more, spending 99 minutes per day using the web, devices, from 19 minutes daily in 2008 to 171 minutes 61 an app or watching video on their smartphone. So in 2015, an 800 percent growth over only seven years . 18-24 year-olds spend 148 minutes per day in front of In the same period, TV usage has been flat; up only a smartphones or PCs, with 67 percent of this time on the minute per day to 255 minutes; and other connected smartphone. digital devices (such as gaming consoles connected to the Internet) have grown to 25 minutes per day Daily time spent on all media reflects the same trend. from nine. But time spent on print newspapers, print Another study found that millennials (18-34 years magazines, and broadcast radio all fell sharply: their old, not just trailing millennials) use mobile devices combined daily time fell from 165 minutes to 109 minutes, (smartphones and tablets) quite frequently, spending a 33 percent decline. 59 a third of total media time on them . Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions 2016 9
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