The impact of web traffic on revenues of traditional newspaper publishers choose from a range of subscription options that start at 4.99 and 4.49 EUR per month for the Bild 41 and Die Welt respectively. The Times, a quality UK daily with a Sunday edition, launched a hard paywall in 2010. As of May 2015, The Times have over 400,000 paying subscribers, out of which 229,000 subscribe to a combined digital and print package and 172,000 pay for digital-only offers that are priced from £2 to 42 £8 per week. In a sample of 66 leading news websites in the UK, Germany, Spain, and France in this study, 43 approximately one fifth had a paywall in place in 2015. It is estimated that, for those publications with 44 paywalls, approximately 10% of their online revenues comes from paid digital content. In 2014, approximately 11% of news readers in the UK, Spain, and other Western European markets paid for digital content. This may change as the number of people who pay for news is projected to grow 45 between 7% and 23% in these markets. 3.3 Alternative revenue models In addition to advertising and paywalls, publishers are also experimenting with other revenue models (Figure 4). These alternative models provide an opportunity for publishers to test how consumers react to new pricing or content strategies without affecting their established product mix. If these innovations prove successful, publishers can roll them out to a wider consumer base. Figure 4: Alternative revenue models Revenue model Description Examples Revenue can be generated through payments for The Economist’s Mobile apps downloads of the app, subscription fees, and mobile Espresso app advertising. Digital Digital subscriptions allow readers to access the full print Orbyt established subscriptions version of the newspaper online for a subscription fee. by El Mundo Pay-per-article A micropayment system that allows people to purchase Die Zeit only the articles or issues in which they are interested. Users are granted access to premium articles when they Surveys complete online consumer surveys commissioned by Trinity Mirror advertisers and other companies. Voluntary Users have the opportunity to make a donation for the Die Tageszeitung donations upkeep of the site and production of content. Source: Deloitte analysis 41 Axel Springer Berenberg European Conference 2014 presentation. Retrieved from: 42 Press Gazette (2015), ‘Times and Sunday Times now claim more than 400,000 ‘members’’. Retrieved from: 43 Deloitte analysis of news sites. See appendix for methodology. 44 European Journalism Observatory (2014), ‘Another brick in the wall? A study on paywalls’. Retrieved from: 45 Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2014 Deloitte LLP. 13