An event or an era? | Interviewee acknowledgements Interviewee acknowledgements We’d like to acknowledge and thank the numerous individuals who provided their time and perspective to help shape this document. Layla Avila (Education Leaders of Color) Mario Morino (Morino Ventures LLC) Karen Baker (California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services) Steven Olikara (Millennial Action Project) Lucy Bernholz (Digital Civil Society Lab, Stanford University Center on Katherine Ollenburger (Community Change) Philanthropy and Civil Society) Veronica Palmer (RISE Colorado) Jed Bernstein (YMCA of the USA) Susan Patrick (Aurora Institute) Jim Bildner (Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation) Evan Paul (Salesforce) Desmond Blackburn (New Teacher Center) Meredith Blair Pearlman (The David and Lucile Packard Foundation) Dana Borrelli-Murray (Highlander Institute) Lance Potter (The Potter Group) Erin Brouillette (Highlander Institute) Steven Preston (Goodwill Industries International) Phil Buchanan (Center for Effective Philanthropy) Beth Rabbitt (The Learning Accelerator) Antony Bugg-Levine (Nonprofit Finance Fund) David Rabinowitz (Deloitte Consulting LLP) Jim Canales (Barr Foundation) Matt Ranen (Matt Ranen) Dan Cardinali (Independent Sector) Dr. Mobeen Rathore (University of Florida College of Medicine) Emily Cherniack (New Politics) Connie Razza (Social and Economic Justice Leaders Project) Julia Coffman (Center for Evaluation Innovation) Michelle Rhone-Collins (LIFT, Inc.) Melissa Connelly (One Goal Graduation) John Rice (Management Leadership for Tomorrow) Aaron Dorfman (National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy) Andrea Sáenz (The Chicago Community Trust) Carl Engle (Monitor Group, Deloitte Consulting LLP) Sheila Sarem (projectBASTA) Yordanos Eyoel (New Profit) Diana Scearce (Diana Scearce Consulting) Katie Fahey ( Dr. Donald Schwarz (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) Natalie Foster (Economic Security Project) Shruti Sehra (New Profit) Andrew Frishman (Big Picture Learning) Steve Seleznow (Arizona Community Foundation) Alejandro Gibes de Gac (Springboard Collaborative) Hiewet Senghor (Black Teacher Collaborative) Dr. Helene Gayle (The Chicago Community Trust) Kashif Shaikh (Pillars Fund) Jesús Gerena (Family Independence Initiative) Jessamyn Shams-Lau (Peery Foundation) Bob Giannino (uAspire) Shalinee Sharma (Zearn) Crystal Gonzales (English Learners Success Forum) Kimberly Smith (Digital Promise) Matt Hammer (Innovate Public Schools) Deborah Smolover (America Forward, New Profit) Trista Harris (FutureGood) Candace Stanciel (New Profit) Dr. Rebekah Heckmann (Yale School of Medicine) Kim Syman (New Profit) David Henderson (Family Independence Initiative) Yutaka Tamura (nXu) Jenee Henry Wood (Transcend Education) Jason Terrell (Profound Gentlemen) Don Howard (The James Irvine Foundation) Dorian Warren (Community Change) Pia Infante (The Whitman Institute) Dr. Steven Weber (School of Information, University of California, Ira Kalish (Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd.) Berkeley) Vanessa Kirsch (New Profit) Michael Weil (YMCA of the USA) Larry Kramer (The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation) Michelle Weise (Strada Education Network) AiLun Ku (The Opportunity Network) Daniel Zaharopol (Art of the Problem Solving Initiative, Inc.) Mike Kubzansky (Omidyar Network) Kalani Leifer (COOP) Alison Malmon (Active Minds, Inc.) Maya Martin Cadogan (Parents Amplifying Voices in Education) Steve McCormick (Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation) Chirag Mehta (Community Change) Adrian Mims (The Calculus Project) Tulaine Montgomery (New Profit) 25