The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps €eloitte Žashion & œuxury, ‡K leadership Ian eddes Sukie Kooner Nick Pope an is the ead of ‡K Retail in our ‰onsumer ukie coleads the ‡K firm’s Žashion & œuxury ¢ick coleads the ‡K firm’s Žashion & œuxury ˆusiness practice – including ownership of the ›oods business. €uring her £ª year career she has ›oods business. e has over £« years of consulting Žashion & œuxury ›oods business. e has over been responsible for coordinating a number of experience, working with a large variety of consumer ¥„ years experience working in the Retail sector. our consumer business clients and luxury brands. businesses. is functional experience includes’ Žunctional experience includes’ buying and he has extensive accounting experience, and reputation and brand management, strategic stress merchandising, category management, price has been involved in a number of transactions, testing, forecasting & planning, consumer research, optimisation, sourcing and supplier management, ­‘s, offering circulars, vendor and financial and demand analytics supply chain, and operating model & due diligence organisation design How hae luxur consumers change† How hae luxur companies een eoling† What oes luxur mean to ou† “ œuxury consumers can now shop from a larger “ ’ve definitely seen a shift towards luxury brands “ ­eople often say that luxury is having things the range of international brands across more categories becoming much more sophisticated and rigorous way you want them. ˆut for me luxury is mainly than ever before. think this has made more them in how they operate – mainly as a result of the about enduring ”uality and value – falling in love even more discerning and focused on craftsmanship increasing competitiveness in the market” with the product or the experience, and and materials in addition to style and branding” appreciating it more everyday” igees­eloitte‡co‡uk sukiekooner­eloitte‡co‡uk nipope­eloitte‡co‡uk

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