The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps eoie I…€a† My ision ‚or eoie is o be he isin†ie Fir… – o san ou hrouƒh he i…€a† „e hae on our †iens an so†iey­ … We beiee our „ork is €ayinƒ an i…€oran €ar in †onribuinƒ o he e†ono…i† re†oery in he U¬­ We aise ‘riish business eaers on a ariey o‚ issues ranƒinƒ ‚ro… orƒanisaiona †hanƒe o oerseas ex€ansion­ An i…€oran €ar o‚ our e‚‚ors o in†rease he †o…€eiieness o‚ ‘riish business is hrouƒh our he€ in …anaƒinƒ heir ax a‚‚airs e‚‚e†iey an †o…€yinƒ „ih reƒuaions in an in†reasinƒy †o…€ex ƒoba e†ono…y­ Œur „ork a†ross iƒia an anayi†s is riinƒ innoaion he€inƒ in†rease €rou†iiy an €roiinƒ our †iens „ih souions o he …os †o…€ex o‚ €robe…s­ … Whie he …arke€a†e has been †haenƒinƒ I beiee ha he uaiy €assion an enerƒy o‚ our €eo€e oer he as ‚e„ years has i…€a†e €osiiey boh on our †iens an he broaer so†iey­ We „i „ork har o i…€roe his i…€a† in F¨1ž an beyon­ Di S†­‚Šl ™enior •arner an –EŒ

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