The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps Releasing the power of digital “€eloitte took a very personal interest in the company and it started to feel a lot less like a client relationship and more Elvis & Kresse, a luxury goods company with a strong like a genuinely personal relationship” sense of social responsibility, had hit a brick wall. The couple behind the business, ames enrit and Kresse esling, Kresse esling, Žounding partner knew their website needed a thorough overhaul. This was necessary not only to provide them with uptodate marketing Elvis & Kresse and social media tools, but also to convey more effectively that although they used sensitively upcycled materials to create their belts, bags and accessories, their offering was on a par with the big names in luxury goods. s part of the ocial nnovation ­ioneers n the weeks following the new site going scheme, which provides expertise to live, Elvis and Kresse saw a ƒ„… increase innovative social enterprises, a €eloitte in the number of visitors to the site and €igital team worked with ames and a †„… rise in their online sales, allowing Kresse to understand their ecommerce the company to donate more back to the ambitions, while also showing them good causes they support. ‡sers of the some exciting possibilities to take things website have been so delighted with the further. e worked closely with them improvement that they have called the throughout the process, from the company to tell them that, something wireframes, through the mockups and that had never happened before. The site then on the site itself, ad‚usting the design is based on the ˆig ‰ommerce platform, live in the test environment so that they which is very cheap to run while also could see the effect of changes. making product management and order fulfilment much easier.

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