The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps ‘ptimising the supply chain t is a common problem for many luxury goods companies and fashion retailers’ how to minimise the amount of product that is ‘li”uidated’ at the end of a season– ‘ur client faced this problem – and lacked the ability to reverse the goods, and reallocate them to different distribution channels in order to avoid this wastage. low moving items and obsolete stocks were not reallocated to channels where they could create additional revenue. This ‘reverse logistics concept’ also tied e developed and evaluated a range into other value drivers, such as’ the increasing of different scenarios for designing and importance of the outlet channel, the executing the reverse concepts – and buyback offers for independent retail then tested these against rigorous stores, and the centralisation of repair business ob‚ectives. activities for Europe at the logistics warehouse. Žor example, we were able to test different options against cost implications orking closely with the client, our and potential additional revenue ˜ margin experienced team provided advice and improvements for different scenarios. expertise in key components of building ‡ltimately, our work helped this luxury the solution, including’ logistics, process brand to significantly reduce the ageold development, transfer pricing, customs problem of endofseason wastage – and tax. but under a controlled and owned solution ™protecting the brand’s position and adding value to the businessš. ›œ‘ˆœ œ‡ž‡RŸ ›‘‘€ ‰‘¡­¢Ÿ

Fashion and Luxury Goods - Page 15 Fashion and Luxury Goods Page 14 Page 16