Deloitte - blockchain as a service Our global network is very active and offers a wealth of insight into blockchain applications, including service platforms, publications and participation in blockchain related events/panels. Rubix, a leading edge blockchainplatform launched by Deloitte in 2015, allows companies to prototype, test, and build their own customized blockchain. Additionally, companies can tap into the emerging technology of smart contracts. Rubix has assembled a team of blockchain experts who have the capability to advise companies through the complicated yet powerful offering that the technology provides. Blog Deloitte has coordinated an ecosystem of blockchain pioneers Since 2014 we have been combining Deloitte’s strategy and innovation consulting practices with a growing ecosystem of the world’s top entrepreneurs, scientists, technologists and business leaders which has led to groundbreaking blockchain initiatives such as: Deloitte Cryptocurrency World Economic Community (DC3) Forum Collaboration An internal group of over 200 members across 18 Deloitte partnered with the WEF to countries. The group was created as a cross-industry, explore the transformative cross-functional group exploring the potential of potential of innovation over 15 blockchain for our clients while also facilitating months. This exercise involved over connections between startups and established 40 financial industry leaders, over companies or investors. The three primary goals of the 100 technological innovators, and DC3 are to educate Deloitte and its clients on 6 global workshops. Industry opportunities in the space, investigate how blockchain Leader in can improve existing services and explore future solutions built on the blockchain. Blockchain MIT MediaLab Digital Singularity University Currency Initiative An educational institute that brings Working with Brian Forde, former together top experts, such as senior White House advisor for Michael Rhodin, Peter Diamandis mobile and data innovation, and and Marc Goodman, to inform world-renowned faculty members financial services leaders how from Sloan School of Management technology is impacting business. and the MIT media Lab to research Blockchain and its possible implications on society. 23