e/ sing Adaptivincrea y a teW rising tide the great transition This is a scenario of continued growth, but This is a scenario where we see a paradigm in a context of increased volatility due to acity oF the ga shift— a rapid transition to a post-industrial/ resource conflicts and climate instabilities. caP post-carbon model. economic growth- alternative driven Model global ProsPerity Model Prosperity remains dominant Model emerges Missed the boat local Fortress This is a scenario where emerging market This is a scenario where Gateway growth is growth is strong, but the Gateway misses constrained because the Lower Mainland key opportunities and doesn’t live up to focuses on the regional economy, local expectations, due to problems with supply chain resiliency and well-being. issues, poor coordination, lack of community buy-in and diminishing industry support. ained/ Constrdecreasing thick line = growth of broader economy thin line = growth of the gateway 12 11

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