293. Cineplex buys into future of eSports, forming competitive video-game league, The Globe and Mail, 17 September 2015: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/tech-news/cineplex-buys-into-future-of-esports-forming-competitive-video- game-league/article26401328/ 294. UK’s first eSports arena opens in London next month, Eurogamer, 18 February 2015: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015- 02-18-uks-first-esports-arena-opens-in-london-next-month 295. Global Sports Market Grows as Gate Revenue, Media Rights Gap Closes, Sportscaster, 10 September 2015: http://www. sportscastermagazine.ca/business/global-sports-market-grows-as-gate-revenue-media-rights-gap-closes/1003408660/ 296. Juniper Research: eSports to Beat NFL Viewership by 2020, TechZone360, 3 November 2015: http://www.techzone360.com/ topics/techzone/articles/2015/11/03/412407-juniper-research-esports-beat-nfl-viewership-2020.htm 297. How esports fans spend their time, and their money, Polygon, 5 November 2015: http://www.polygon. com/2015/11/5/9676764/how-esports-fans-spend-their-time-and-their-money 298. ESports demographics: Fans skew male, spend more on games, GamaSutra, 6 November 2015: http://www.gamasutra.com/ view/news/258786/ESports_demographics_Fans_skew_male_spend_more_on_games.php 299. US ESPORTS FANS AREN’T JUST PC GAMERS, Nielsen, 29 October 2015: http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/news/2015/ us-esports-fans-arent-just-pc-gamers.html 300. Super Evil Megacorp sees big potential in eSports for mobile game ‘Vainglory’, The Los Angeles Times, 10 December 2015: http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-super-evil-megacorp-vainglory-20151204-story.html 301. Sony creating new multiplayer esports game for Project Morpheus virtual reality headset, VentureBeat, 15 June 2015: http://venturebeat.com/2015/06/15/sony-morpheus-rigs-multiplayer-game/ 302. Gigabits are go? Tariff count takes off in 2015, Point Topic, 9 December 2015: http://point-topic.com/free-analysis/gigabits-are- go-tariff-count-takes-off-in-2015/ 303. It is possible that some packages that are marketed as Gigabit services may aggregate down (for downloads) and uplink (for uploads) speeds to attain the Gigabit. For example a service presented as Gbit/s may comprise 800 Mbit/s down, and 200 Mbit/s up. 304. For more information, see: http://point-topic.com/ 305. Recent announcements will benefit countries including Portugal, Ireland and Canada. For more information, see Vodafone rolling out 1Gbps FTTH in Ireland and Portugal, Telecoms.com, 2 Dec 2015: http://telecoms.com/457462/vodafone-to-start- offering-1gbps-ftth-in-ireland-and-portugal/; Bell promises to bring fastest internet possible to Toronto, CBC News, 26 June 2015: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/bell-promises-to-bring-fastest-internet-possible-to-toronto-1.3127407 306. Hands on with Hyperoptic’s gigabit fibre: The UK’s fastest residential Internet connection, Ars Technica UK, 19 August 2015: http://arstechnica.co.uk/information-technology/2015/08/hands-on-with-hyperoptic-gigabit-fibre-the-uks-fastest-residential- internet-connection/ 307. Prices in dollars, adjusted for purchasing power parity. See Gigabits are go? Tariff count takes off in 2015, Point Topic, 9 December 2015: http://point-topic.com/free-analysis/gigabits-are-go-tariff-count-takes-off-in-2015/ 308. Ibid. 309. For example, see BT Openreach begins 330Mbps G.fast broadband trial this August, Ars Technica UK, 20 June 2015: http://arstechnica.co.uk/business/2015/07/bt-openreach-begins-330mbps-g-fast-broadband-trial-this-august/ 310. Liberty Global Preps for DOCSIS 3.1, Light Reading, 10 August 2015: http://www.lightreading.com/cable/docsis/liberty-global- preps-for-docsis-31/d/d-id/717498 311. For a technical explanation of how this works, see DOCSIS 3.1 Enables Rapid Deployment of Gigabit Broadband, Light Reading, 7 July 2015: http://www.lightreading.com/cable/docsis/docsis-31-enables-rapid-deployment-of-gigabit-broadband/a/ d-id/716814 312. For example, Comcast in the US is planning to make Gbit/s services available across its markets by 2017-18. See Comcast planning gigabit cable for entire US territory in 2-3 years, Ars Technica, 24 August 2015: http://arstechnica.com/ business/2015/08/comcast-planning-gigabit-cable-for-entire-us-territory-in-2-3-years/ 313. Compressed files require 25 Mbit/s; live TV with a high frame rate can require double that. For more information, see Netflix, as accessed on 10 December 2012: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/13444; 314. Marc Scarpa, Wikipedia, as accessed on 15 December 2015: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Scarpa 315. For a history of YouTube, see YouTube, Wikipedia, as accessed on 10 December 2015: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube 316. For a view on the Internet connection speed required for a 4K file, see Recommended upload encoding settings (Advanced), Google, as accessed on 10 December 2015: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171?hl=en-GB 317. Facebook Hits 8 Billion Daily Video Views, Doubling From 4 Billion In April, TechCrunch, 4 November 2015: http://techcrunch. com/2015/11/04/facebook-video-views/#.eai6wa:OGnj 318. International Space Station on UStream, NASA, as accessed on 15 December 2015: https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/ iss_ustream.html 319. For example, see How to Watch All the Beautiful New Apple TV Screensavers, Gizmodo, 19 October 2015: http://gizmodo. com/how-to-watch-all-the-beautiful-new-apple-tv-screensaver-1737421102 74

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