22 | The Deloitte M&A Index Q4 2015 2016: Opportunities amidst divergence Charts we like Figure 31. Global acquisition related bond issuance Figure 32. Number of mega deal (>$10bn) by target sector, ($bn), 2008-15 Y 2008–3 201  $bn Deal volume 300  250  200  150  100 50  0  2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015YTD € ­       TD Source: Dealogic CB E&R ‚Sƒ „S…C Mf† ‡rof Services Real Estate TMT Source: Deloitte analysis based on data from Thomson One Banker Figure 33. Cash and short-term investments of S&P Global 1200 Figure 34. Capital expenditure of Stoxx® Europe 600 and S&P 500 non-finanial onstituents b setor bn 200 -1­ non-financial contituent n 000-­4 Cash and short term investments ($bn Capital expenditure ($bn ‚ €00 ‚ ­00 € 600 ­ 00  00  00  00 € „ ‚ ‚‚ ‚ ‚ƒ ‚ 00 0‚ 0 0 0 0 06 0­ 0€ 0ƒ ‚0 ‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ Consumer business ER  anufacturing ® Real Estate LSHC Stoxx Europe 600 S 00 Source: Deloitte analysis based on data from Bloomberg Source: Deloitte analysis based on data from Bloomberg Figure 35. M&A transactions flows – G7 vs growth markets ($bn Figure 36. S&P 500 geographic sources of revenue (%) 75 ­€ G7 ac•ƒrin into Groth marets roth marets ac•ƒirin into G7 Ž› 22.­€ œT‘ Ž– „S Žš …rica Ž‹ sia ŽŽ 2.‚€ †urope ŽŒ 2.ƒ€ 5 .­€ Œ™ ‡orth merica Œ˜ ‚.­€ ˆe‰cl. „SŠ Œ7 South merica Ž‹Œ ŽŒŒ ˜Œ —Œ –Œ ‹Œ Œ Œ ‹Œ –Œ —Œ ˜Œ ŽŒŒ ƒ.ƒ€ ‹ther Total disclosed deal “alƒes ”„n€ .‚€ Note: The G7 comprises of Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, UK and US. The roth marets are defined as: rail, China incl. ­on Kon€, Cech Source: Worldview 2Q 2015. Currencies, markets and the bump path ‚epƒ„lic, …ypt, ­ƒnary, India, Indonesia, †alaysia, †e‡ico, †orocco, ˆerƒ, to recover .. oran sset anaement ˆhilippines, ˆoland, ‚ƒssian Federation, Soƒth ‰frica, Taian, Thailand, Tƒrey, Saƒdi ‰ra„ia, United ‰ra„ …mirates. Še define roth marets as coƒntries referenced in The …conomist as emerin marets in ‹ŒŽ‹. Soƒrce: ‘eloitte analysis „ased on data from Thomson ’ne aner

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