2 | The Deloitte M&A Index Q4 2015 2016: Opportunities amidst divergence Contents Key points 3 Contacts Factors influencing M&A in 2016 4 Iain Macmillan Corporate barometer 11 Managing Partner, Deal corridors 12 Global M&A Services 020 7007 2975 Geographies 13 [email protected] Sectors 16 Sriram Prakash Global Lead M&A Insight Charts we like 22 020 7303 3155 [email protected] Authors and contributors Sriram Prakash and Irina About The Deloitte M&A Index Bolotnikova are the UK The Deloitte M&A Index is a forward-looking indicator that forecasts future Insight team for M&A, global M&A deal volumes and identifies the factors influencing conditions for based in London. Haranath dealmaking. Sriyapureddy and Sukeerth Thodimaladinna are research The Deloitte M&A Index is created from a composite of weighted market analysts in the UK Research indicators from four major data sets: macroeconomic and key market Center, in India. indicators, funding and liquidity conditions, company fundamentals, valuations. The team would like to Each quarter, these variables are tested for their statistical significance and thank Ben Davies, James relative relationships to M&A volumes. As a result, we have a dynamic and Anson-Smith, Jo Brealey, evolving model which allows Deloitte to identify the factors impacting Kristie Ampuero and the dealmaking and enable us to project future M&A deal volumes. The Deloitte Deloitte Creative Studio for M&A Index has an accuracy rate of over 90% dating back to Q1 2008. their contribution in the production of the Deloitte In this publication, references to Deloitte are references to Deloitte LLP, the UK M&A Index. member firm of DTTL.

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