The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps orking in partnership “The ­artners and senior managers are very proactive at giving us recommendations which add value helping the companies ­rada is a global leader in highend luxury fashion clothing move forward” and accessories. n the ‡K we work extensively with ­rada’s ‡K retail network, and with ‰hurch’s English hoes worldwide group ™ac”uired by ­rada in £¤¤¤š. e have been the auditor ­rada, ‡K for several years and in that time we have built up and developed excellent and truly distinctive relationships. Through these relationships, we have t is this that enables us to raise commercially been successful in building an extensive focussed and appropriate insights to the knowledge and appreciation of the management team, adding real value whilst businesses. s a result, we are the trusted conducting our audit and tax services for first portofcall for ongoing advice on the companies. financial, taxation and accounting matters and are on constant communication pecific and recent examples of this throughout the year. in action include recommendations, benchmarking and observations around The centre of our partnership with the the group’s decision to invest in real ‡K companies is built on our excellent estate, factory expansion and also impact relationship that we have with management assessment on the ‡K business of the and our cumulative knowledge of the ›overnments pension autoenrolment. business as well as our retail sector specialisms in the firm.

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