The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps Putting the consumer at “en types of innovation explores diverse the heart of innovation elements of innovation’s impact on the total customer experience. It distills three decades A global luxury beauty company struggled to come of innovation research into an action up with breakthrough innovations that customers and orientated framework” consumers loved. In 201 we were tasked to help them get closer to their consumers and innovate beyond product. heir business was stuck in a growth ipak …. †ain ean I‡ˆ‰A trap by focusing on incremental improvements to oncepopular brands they had tremendous pressure to grow but had lost connection with consumers and worse had become a riskaverse company slow to commercialie bold ideas. oblin worked with a halfdoen his helped each of the brands think of their global brand teams to conceive through the different types that they and develop breakthrough innovations can combine to build breakthroughs. that helped them transcend orthodoxies e then reverseengineered the and create more compelling customer organisational and operational conditions experiences. e built systemic innovations that made them work creating a blue ­ that went beyond product ­ delivering print for restarting the company’s consumercentric offerings and break Innovation engine. oday the company through businesses using the 10 types is regaining the capacity and confidence of innovation. to focus on fewer bigger bets to conceive develop and launch innovations that engage consumers with new and compelling experiences.

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