The big challenges Case studies Our wardrobe Insight & research The way we work Next steps Establishing the foundation of retail excellence Selfridges was founded in 1909 but is constantly challenging itself to be at the forefront of retail, to be able to sustain this level of excellence it is crucial to have an IT foundation that can keep up with the business need eloitte have supported Selfridges in a nuber of areas across their IT real estate fro IT Strategy to Transforation and Service anageent  recent proect exaple was ensuring  deployent is a good exaple that the introduction of sart phones and of how we ai to structure uch of our tablets did not expose the to security work in areas of technologyŠ it delivered and anageent challenges eloitte a costˆcase that identified the cost for was engaged to help Selfridges anage provisioning an  solution, defined this si able risk­ as Selfridges has the an enrolent policy that outlined the second largest flagship store in the guidelines and policies to be followed, ‚ƒ and has been at the forefront of and we built a “lessons learned” introducing obile technology across docuent highlighting insights and their organisation risks encountered during deployent to assist and accelerate future The obile evice anageent „… ipleentations ipleentation included the selection of the preferred vendor and defining the activities re‡uired for user deployent eloitte helped to identify all devices to deploy to and defined the rollˆout schedule, as well as developing collateral for Selfridges to extend the ipleentaˆ tion at other ‰roup organisations

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